Monday, November 23, 2009

conjuring up our melancholy.

time for the annual thanksgiving trip to Sudbury, massachusetts, and so far this year is not seeming to be much more hopeful than any other. maybe i'm entering this with the wrong attitude, but i can't help but feel strongly pessimistic and melancholic. maybe a more optimistic view would help the situation?

Doubtful. but i'll attempt it.
what're the pros of the trip?
1. seeing 2 family members i adore. not to mention, they're two of my best friends.
2. the wonderfully cold weather. 45 degrees and raining, yes please.
3. well i do love to travel. i get giddy just being at the airport, and plane rides are my favorite form of travel.
4. RELAX. take a much needed break from school and working. reading and laying in bed as much as i want.

i'm sure there are others, but this list was much needed, seeing as i was on the brink of hiding myself in the bathroom in order to avoid the trip. now i'm a tad more excited.

thanks blogger.

Friday, October 9, 2009

a little bit more motivation.

They say the truth will set us free!
This is why I say...

"This is the end, my only friend."
I am pulling my courage once again.
I always knew you'd be watching your T.V.
This is the end.

Give me just a little bit, a little bit of motivation.
-Delta Spirit

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

did i miss the point?

as part of an optional assignment this summer, i was told to create a worry list, detailing every possible trouble, stress, or negative thought to cross my mind.
once forming the entire list, step two was to mentally and logically go through the list, sorting through the reasonable worries from the foolish and useless ones.
step three was to then forget about the unreasonable worries and focus on how to change, improve, and eliminate the plausible list.
step four? enjoy life, worry free. or that was the eventual goal. 

unfortunately, i utterly and bitterly failed this assignment. i made it all the way through step one when i decided to quit. by the time my list of worries had reached #45, i had stumbled into a despairing and unhelpful gloom, surprised and downtrodden by my extensive list.

however, i didn't quit right away. as i attempted step two, my state of negativity made every worry appear reasonable, which further decreased my mood. 

since that fateful list, my mind has remained somewhat heavy and overcast. usually a positive person to the point of being unrealistic, i have been rather pessimistic consistently. 

but at what point are human emotions and moods controllable or incontrollable? is it my own mind allowing myself to remain in this leaden mood, or did my worry list really have such a lasting effect?

i have always believed that our feelings and emotions are pretty much uncontrollable-determined rather by situations, words, and our morals rather than chosen individually. 

but then you have to factor in our own responsibility and accountability. 

what distinguishes the difference between simply a bad mood and a serious issue?

Monday, May 4, 2009


1. I've come to realize that my body...
...will never match those of the majority of oc girls

2. I've come to realize that my job... the best one i could ask for.

3. I've come to realize that when I'm driving...
...i'm much more aggressive than expected.

4. I've come to realize that I need... day for absolute nothingness but reading, reflecting, and writing.

5. I've come to realize that I have lost...
...motivation, much to my dismay.

6. I've come to realize that I hate it when...
...people argue for the sake of being right.

7. I've come to realize that if I'm drunk...'s a dream, because that won't be happening anytime soon.

8. I've come to realize that money... not worth any form of disgusting or terrible dare.

9. I've come to realize that people....
...aren't always what i expect them to be.

10. I've come to realize that I'll always be...
...too attached for my own good.

11. I've come to realize that if I drunk dial people...
...see number 7

12. I've come to realize that my mom...
...really does try her best. usually

13. I've come to realize that my cell phone is...
...not the coolest thing i own, like i previously believed.

14. I've come to realize that when I woke up this morning... was still monday morning, although i certainly hoped i was wrong.

15. I've come to realize that last night before I went to sleep...
...5 hours is a terrific start amount of rest to start the week.

16. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about...
...summer trips. new people. new experiences.

17. I've come to realize that my Dad...
...possesses many qualities i pray do not get passed down to me.

18. I've come to realize that when I get on MySpace...
...i am seeking entertainment.

19. I've come to realize that today...
...was a thinking day.

20. I've come to realize that tonight... going to be filled with delightful homework.

21.I've come to realize that tomorrow I will... waiting for wednesday. thursday. friday..

22. I've come to realize that I really want to...
...get focused on the most important things.

23. I've come to realize that the person who is most likely to read this will be...

24. I've come to realize that life... unpredictable. cheesy but true

25. I've come to realize that this weekend... unknown still.

26. I've realized the best music to listen to when I am upset...
...bob dylan's "the freewheelin' bob dylan" album or "positively 4th street"
27. I've come to realize that my friends...
...are few, but one of a kind.

28. I've come to realize that this year... passing by much more quickly than expected.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

dear mr. therapist

writing is my therapy. and each word, line, paragraph, the therapist. as it comes spilling out i can visualize him sitting there, nodding and taking notes in his spiral book. 
during each session, i'm free to scream, yell, sob, laugh, get angry, break down,
fall apart. it's freeing, liberating. like a suffocating chain that is spontaneously
broken from around my thoughts. how wonderful is freedom of expression- my opinions,
feelings, words, none of them can be judged. they're mine. my property. completely 
under my own control and authority.

however, during the occasional session, those walls of control fall apart. and as 
words spurt forth from my fingertips, i have no power over what story they decide 
to tell. the beautiful part? no one knows the truth. my words can be filled with 
truth and sincerity or more closely resemble a tall tale. 
my words are filled with quotes, stories, images, thoughts, dreams- all my own and 
unaware of their reliability. but honestly, what does it matter either way? it's 
word vomit. continuous phrases and in-cohesive ideas that emit what i'm feeling at 
that very moment. 

the therapist turns the page of his book, enough information to write a short story 
filled with my thoughts. as nonsense and nothingness continue to flow throughout the 
pages, they retreat to a common idea. sad. angry. happy. overwhelmed. scared. whatever
the feeling of the day is. furious. depressed. overjoyed. confused. they vary from day 
to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. each period of time is as unpredictable as the
one before. 

today? hurt. longing. frustrated. overwhelmed. i don't know how to express these 
feelings healthily. until my fingers come into contact with that lovely pen and page. 
and at that moment, i become enraptured with clearing out my head. my words stumble over 
each other through my rush. it's as if the words won't come out fast enough, but i have 
no way to speed up there delivery.

an obnoxious ringing timer symbolizes the end of our session. "until tomorrow," the 
therapist tells me, closing his book. my fingers stop their rapid movements. my head stops
spinning. and my heart rate slows. tomorrow will be a new day, new emotions, and a new session.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

last few yards

One month left, and the race begins. It is no longer the marathon we had all been running, but a sprint. Whoever makes it to the finish fastest, and in one piece, wins. 

It's a competition. And the prize? Two months of carefree, peaceful bliss. Free of competitors and running, until September when we prepare for our next cross country meet.

However, in this race, just like any other, it's the last few yards that matter most. It's in those quick moments that the entire outcome of the race is decided. Trip and fall, and you miss first place entirely. 

So you keep your eyes forward and feet moving as fast as you can. Try to ignore the thousands of stomping feet pounding in your ear, and make it to the end successfully. Some will win, many will make it, and some will lose. But it all depends on those last few yards. 

It's when we aren't paying attention that the school year passes us by. Wake up one day with thoughts of Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations, show up to school the next moment and you're sitting in a silent room, taking STAR tests. 

where did the time go? When we weren't watching, the miles of our marathon flew by, and we ended up at the last few yards.

For me, it's those last few yards that are the hardest. Those other 7 1/2 months? Piece of cake. But it's in this last month and a half where the stress and pressure of the year comes raining down, while I'm completely off my guard.

Then the meltdowns come, followed by the unstable victories and failures in each different subject. Thoughts of giving up drift and settle into my brain, urging me to stop trying and give up trying to focus on school. 

What's the most draining part of the last 2 months of school? The struggle to resist the temptation of giving up. It's the daily conscious decision to focus and try just as hard as the day before. 

Some days are easier than others, and some days are a struggle to walk through the looming gates towards another tedious day.

As your foot crosses over that infamous finish line, it's that overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and strength that makes the entire marathon worth it. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's all in your head

of my mind.
of my body. 
of my heart.
of my eyes. ears. senses. 
of my willpower and willingness.
of my stamina and perseverance. 
of myself.

I've been deteriorating for quite some time. like the rockstreesanimalsnatureseas surrounding us.
it's a struggle to continue moving forward with the same passion and strength of before. i'm weak.

lacking energy, passion, drive, esteem.

on the brink of wilting, yearning for the next rainfall to rejuvenate the old flame to continue moving on. moving forward.

striving. trying. achieving. reaching. doing. trying. caring. giving. 

"For us, there is only the trying. The result is not our business."
- T.S. Elliot