Monday, November 23, 2009

conjuring up our melancholy.

time for the annual thanksgiving trip to Sudbury, massachusetts, and so far this year is not seeming to be much more hopeful than any other. maybe i'm entering this with the wrong attitude, but i can't help but feel strongly pessimistic and melancholic. maybe a more optimistic view would help the situation?

Doubtful. but i'll attempt it.
what're the pros of the trip?
1. seeing 2 family members i adore. not to mention, they're two of my best friends.
2. the wonderfully cold weather. 45 degrees and raining, yes please.
3. well i do love to travel. i get giddy just being at the airport, and plane rides are my favorite form of travel.
4. RELAX. take a much needed break from school and working. reading and laying in bed as much as i want.

i'm sure there are others, but this list was much needed, seeing as i was on the brink of hiding myself in the bathroom in order to avoid the trip. now i'm a tad more excited.

thanks blogger.

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