Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Superficial Stereotypical.

find it necessary to be the best. at all costs.
can't handle honesty. maturity.
find it difficult to talk to me. especially when you're wrong.
lie to my face. easily.
put on a facade. 
laugh. cry. love. hate. feel. think. just like me. yet completely differently. 
push my down. help me up. tear me open. stitch me up. 
confuse me. 
cause tears. joy. pain. frustration. annoyance. anger. all at once.
speak without thinking. act without considering.
serve yourself.

do you do this?
not care?
not think? 
many times has this happened? to you? to me?
difficult is it for you?
does it come naturally?
or do you bury your guilt?
does your mind work?

it hurts.
it causes tears. and pain.
it puzzles.
how to care. for others.
it's not about first place.
it eventually fades away.
this is all so superficial. 
maturity vs. immaturity.

am silent.
ponder your actions. thoughts. words. feelings
ponder my own. 
get angry. 
am irrational.
speak without thinking. act without considering. the consequences.
am similar to you. but different.

are one in the same. on occasion.
are night and day. most of the time.
get angry. fight. yell. scream.
laugh. talk. smile. share.
have grown. together. and apart.
relate in some areas. 
don't understand each other.
lie. fake. pretend.

are the same. but you are YOU. and i am I.

1 comment:

sabrina said...

I really like this!